Tuesday, January 29, 2013

An Interview with: Delacave Animation Supervisor - Fabrice Delapierre & Delacave Lead Animator - Bart Boirot

Podcast Part 1

Podcast Part 2

Just a quick FYI, about this interview, I tried using a podcast. The interview posted before(with Cinepix Animation Director - InHo Son), was written in an article format and that was great. But, I am still experimenting with different formats to convey interviews with and for this one I chose an audio format base. For the next interview I would like to try a video format and depending on which suits best, I might stick with it.

Alright! So this interview was actually taken a long(!) time ago. It was back in 2011 when I was in Paris finishing up at my school, Gobelins l'ecole de l'image. For the last 3~4 months, I had an internship at a studio called Delacave and this interview was taken right after we had finished making the movie "Cendrillon au far west". The interviewees are two of the most awesome and humble supervisors I have ever worked with and I will let the podcast speak for itself.

The podcast(interview) was pretty lengthy, so I divided it up into two segments(35~40 minutes each). I had contemplated whether to edit the piece in order to make it shorter and more to the point, but it seemed like I was losing a lot of the great details that were being said by my interviewees and it had become more like a bullet-point presentation, so I decided to upload the whole interview instead. But, I don't want you to feel like you're lost, aimlessly hearing the whole interview till you find something you like so here is a simple breakdown of how the interview went down.


An interview AVEC: Delacave Animation Supervisor - Fabrice Delapierre & Delacave Lead Animator - Bart Boirot (By David Jang)

I would first like to personally thank Bart and Fabrice for doing this interview with me. We had just finished a feature film together so needless to say we were all very tired, but they were nice enough to take time out of their lives to sit down with me and have a genuine conversation for almost three hours.


After a brief introduction, these questions were answered by Fabrice & Bart.  

1. Can you give us a brief introduction of yourself about how you came into the animation industry?
- Both Bart and Fabrice explained their journey from how they got interested in animation to how they came to be where they are now as supervisors along with a bit of animation history explained first-hand by people that were a part of it in France. They expressed the struggles they had to go through as 1st generation CG animators and what they felt then and now about this industry. We also talked about the nature of this profession and what it's about in our opinion to be animator and to work in CG.

2. Both of you have experience working abroad in many different countries and studios. Can you give us your insight about how to go about trying to "make it" out there as an animtor?
- Explanations and discussions about working in different countries and how it helps to accept change as it comes along. Also, how important motives are when it comes to working abroad.


Continuation of question 2

- They talked in depth about moving abroad with your family. Why you should move, why you shouldn't move. Etc. Etc.

3. What is the role difference between an animator and an animation supervisor?
- Fabrice explained how it's like the difference between a orchestra conductor and a musician. Bart compared it as the difference between a sports coach and the sports players. We also talked about having mutiple supervisors and how it could help more than having just one supervisor. In depth conversations about the importance of team play and how it's all connected.

4. What do you look for in demo reels as a supervising animator? Which demo reels stand out?
- Sensibility VS Perfect Technic and how it's a very subjective process. The evolution of demo reels and the difference between studio wants and needs. The difficulties of breaking into the industry.

5. Any last words for your fellow animators in France?

(This interview took place Sep 2011)

If you want to find more interviews, there is a category on the bottom that's called "An Interview with:" and you will find all the interviews gathered there.

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