Thursday, November 22, 2012

Alt Animation Podcast: Episode 8 - Ed Hooks

This was by far one of the most important things I learned about the animation industry. If you are serious about being an animator or working in the animation industry, I would highly recommend this podcast for hearing. It's an eye-opener. 

I will outline a couple of the hot topics
(in my opinion) discussed in this podcast, since it is a lengthy piece(1 hour and 46 minutes, but well worth it) for those of you who want to know what it's about before diving into it. Keep in mind these are questions addressed to Ed Hooks, the author and arguably "the" father of acting for animators.

1. Are animators the same as actors?

- Here Ed explains why he doesn't think animators are the same as actors and goes into detail about the differences and how he thinks the academy should categories animators(or rather animation characters) in terms of awards and acknowledgements.

2. How do you feel about outsourcing animation and the future of animation as an industry?

- Ed Hooks shares his experience working and teaching in China and India and how what he saw there shocked him. He also dives into detail on his views about the future generation of animators and what they stand to achieve and the obstacles they have to overcome as the industry changes for better or worse. 

I would also like to give props to Alt Animation for bringing this wonderful and informative podcast to light. You can listen to their other podcasts at


1 comment:

  1. Hey thanks for mentioning our podcast! Really cool site by the way.
    Great job to all you guys working on Legends of Awesomeness, the show looks amazing!
